Crab 60 Shoring Scaffolding

Crab 60 Frames carry vertical load of 60 KN per log.

Main vertical tube members are 60.3 mm (OD) x 2.9 mm. (thick)

Tensile strength is 320 N/mm2

Crab 60 System complies with the European Standard HD 1000

Triangular Frame Shoring Tower

Designed for building industry and public works projects,

the Crab 60 is a vertical shoring system employing multi-directional

triangular frames, offering many structural possibilities.

The Crab System is multi-directional

During assembly, the wedge clamp system ensures a perfect right-angle attachment

between the horizontal members while it allows rotation to any angle from 0⁰ to 90⁰.

The horizontal members can be positioned in any of the major orientations from

0⁰ to 180⁰ on a single stirrup. Two horizontal members can be assembled in parallel.


All equipment fully compatible

Total compatibility of the system in the Crab range is guaranteed,

whatever the diameter of the vertical tubes.